In its most basic form a great tool would just start as a pl/pgsql or
pl/perl function that could be used to call a table and have it output
a batch of records to an editable html form or a colored pdf for nice
reports. There would need to be some kind of interface for Apaché of
Anyone know of anything like this?
Best Regards,
Justin Tocci -
7813 Harwood Road, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
cell 817-988-7758 - land 817-503-9545
I am curious to know if there is anything sort of like APEX or Html DB
in the Oracle world available for PostgreSQL. I've done a fairly
extensive search but this could be done in so many ways I could easily
be missing it.
Ultimately I am looking to migrate away from MS Access for my front
end work and get into something web-based. My main concern is that
virtually everything I find wants to take over a large portion of
database functionality for Postgres. This can look like caching,
relationship management or database abstraction, it all boils down to
opportunity for performance degradation to me.
When I write a MS Access front end I place all my business logic in
the database and use Access strictly for forms, menus, excel exporting
and nice looking reports. I'd like a tool that just focused on these
items and did them well through the web.
I read a bit about APEX/Html DB and how it lived entirely in stored
procedures in the database and thought that was a great idea. The
logic is right there, not separate from but actually in the database
engine, so it shouldn't be tempted to duplicate any database
functionality or try to take anything over from the database. So I'm
looking for something like that for PostgreSQL.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not