On Feb 20, 2008, at 5:53 PM, mars_osrp wrote:
Hi All,
I am using PlPython procedure to insert data in a table:
plan = plpy.execute("insert into test(id,name) values(1 , 'test_py')")
I am getting error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "<PLyResult object at
In fact preparing a plan and passing a list of values for columns
is also
giving same error.
What is correct valid input syntax for integer in PlPython?
Can you show us the function you're using and how you're using it? I
don't see anything wrong with that on its own. You're error refers
to using a PyResult object somewhere and integer is expected --
plpy.execute() returns PyResult objects -- not integers -- so that
looks good. My guess is you're expecting to be able to use the
return value of plpy.execute() directly, i.e I think your query is
running fine, it's how you're accessing the result that is the problem.
Erik Jones
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