Title: Why isn't an index being used when selecting a distinct value?
Version: Postgres 8.1.4
Platform: RHEL
Given this scenario with the indexes in place, when I ask for the distinct field1_id values, why does the optimizer choose a sequential scan instead of just reading from the kda_log_fid_cre_20080123_idx index? The time it takes to perform the sequential scan against 20+ million records is way too slow.
CREATE TABLE kda_log_20080213 (
"field1" character varying(255),
field character varying(100),
value bigint,
period integer DEFAULT 60,
created timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone,
customer_id integer,
field1_id integer
CREATE INDEX kda_log_cid_cre_fld_20080213_idx ON kda_log_20080213 USING btree (customer_id, created, "field1");
CREATE INDEX kda_log_fid_cre_20080213_idx ON kda_log_20080213 USING btree (field1_id, created);
keaton=# explain select distinct field1_id into temp kda_temp from kda_log_20080213;
Unique (cost=5759201.93..5927827.87 rows=8545 width=4)
-> Sort (cost=5759201.93..5843514.90 rows=33725188 width=4)
Sort Key: field1_id
-> Seq Scan on kda_log_20080213 (cost=0.00..748067.88 rows=33725188 width=4)
(4 rows)
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