On Feb 14, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Klein Balazs wrote:
My point was to get rid of the the EAV setup. Something like:
CREATE TABLE questions (
question_id serial primary key,
question text not null
person_id serial primary key,
CREATE TABLE answers (
person_id integer references people,
answers text[]
where the indexes into answers are ids from questions. You don't get
any easy foreign keys for those indexes into the questions table,
which you definitely don't have with the EAV setup anyway, but with
this you don't need any kind of pivot/crosstab functionality.
I can't imagine how I could store data directly that way (beside
the usual
thing that whenever I can I aim to store scalar value in a column).
To do what you suggest I could have this:
1 (aaa,bbb,ccc)
2 (ddd,NULL,eee)
but for this I would need to store a NULL for a person for all the
he/she didn't answer. Now answers may come from all sorts of
so most people will only have responses on a subset, so this does
not seem
Or this:
1 (aaa,bbb,ccc)
2 (ddd,eee)
but this would be loosing the purpose - there is no longer a
meaningful way
to compare the same info at different people.
So directly storing the info in this structure does not seem to be
the way
for me. On the other hand a query may be able to generate the
proper array
without the usual problem of outputting unknown number of columns.
First, please stop top-posting. It makes it difficult for both me
and others to know to whom/what you are replying.
Now on to the meat of the topic! When using arrays you do not need
to manually store NULLS -- they are implied by gaps in array
indices. Observe:
CREATE TABLE questions (
question_text TEXT NOT NULL
answers TEXT[]
INSERT INTO questions (question_id, question_text) VALUES (2, 'Will
arrays work?'), (5, 'Can pigs fly?');
INSERT INTO people (person_id) VALUES (1), (2);
UPDATE people
SET answers[2] = 'yep!',
answers[5] = 'nope!',
answers[7] = 'this shouldn''t be here!'
where person_id=1;
UPDATE people
SET answers[5]='if only they had wings'
where person_id=2;
SELECT * FROM people;
person_id | answers
1 | [2:7]={yep!,NULL,NULL,nope!,NULL,"this shouldn't
be here!"}
2 | [5:5]={"if only they had wings"}
See how postgres handles filling the NULLs for you? What you'd
really want to do with this would be to define some functions for
setting and getting a person's answers to a given question or set of
questions so that you could implement some kind of data integrity
with regards to question ids and indices into the answers arrays such
as in the example above you'd want to prevent an entry at index 7
when there is no entry in the questions table for question_id=7.
This whole thing is still wide open for adding extra layers such as
question groupings for separate questionnaires, etc.
Erik Jones
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings