Hi all,
I’m trying to enable the uuid module with a SUSE Linux. I’ve
installed the uuid library with the default settings and configured/
compiled/installed pgsql with these flags:
./configure --prefix=/opt/local/pgsql --with-perl --with-tcl --with-
tclconfig=/opt/local/lib --with-openssl --with-readline --with-zlib --
enable-thread-safety --enable-integer-datetimes --with-ossp-uuid
Then I’ve installed the uuid shared library from the contrib
directory and the .so file is located under /opt/local/pgsql/lib/uuid-
When I try to install the uuid functions I get this error:
psql:share/contrib/uuid-ossp.sql:9: ERROR: could not load library "/
opt/local/pgsql/lib/uuid-ossp.so": libuuid.so.16: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
Can somebody help me to solve this problem? Or give some hints?
Thank you in advance
Giorgio Valoti
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