On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 23:07:37 -0500 (EST)
Greg Smith <gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can anyone think of another place a community docs wiki could go at?
CMD will host anything you need.
Basically all it would take to get this off the ground is a host running
PHP 5.0+ and PostgreSQL 8.1+ (with tsearch2) that the current Mediawiki
distribution could be installed into; PHP 5.1 and PG 8.2 would be
preferred. The main install instructions are at
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installing_MediaWiki and I know
they're good because I fixed the parts that weren't when I last installed
one of these.
The main open question for initial post-install configuration is how to
deal with edit privledges. I think this one would be OK with letting
anyone sign up for an account in an automated way, rather than requiring a
human approval like the Developer's wiki does, but only allow registered
accounts to edit. That will give some defense against the spammers while
not making life difficult for the person who just wants to submit
something at random one day.
I could help out with the initial setup, you could just have somebody
internally do the install and let me have an account when it's ready,
whatever makes sense for you. I have two articles I can submit as
examples of a good format for people to use to push some initial content
in there, I may turn those into a template or something. Let me know what
I can do to help get this going.
* Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
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