I just downloaded the 8.3 Windows installation (binary with installer). My database uses tsearch2. I was about to follow the conversions instructions found at Appendix F31 (on the new tsearch module). http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/tsearch2.html However, I hit a problem when I get to step 2: "In the new installation, create empty database(s) and install the replacement tsearch2 module into each database that will use text search." I am assuming that the "replacement tsearch2 module" is some file "tsearch2.sql" found in the folder share/contrib. However, no such file, or anything that looks remotely like it, in that folder or in any folder around. (If I download the sources, I can find a 16 Kb file entitled "tsearch2.sql.in" inside contrib/tsearch2. Is that the file I want?) For reference, here is the full content of the share/contrib folder, after the Windows installation: _int.sql adminpack.sql autoinc.sql btree_gist.sql chkpass.sql cube.sql dblink.sql earthdistance.sql fuzzystrmatch.sql hstore.sql insert_username.sql int_aggregate.sql isn.sql lo.sql ltree.sql moddatetime.sql pageinspect.sql pg_buffercache.sql pg_freespacemap.sql pg_trgm.sql pgcrypto.sql pgrowlocks.sql pgstattuple.sql pgxml.sql pldbgapi.sql refint.sql seg.sql sslinfo.sql tablefunc.sql timetravel.sql uninstall__int.sql uninstall_adminpack.sql uninstall_btree_gist.sql uninstall_chkpass.sql uninstall_cube.sql uninstall_dblink.sql uninstall_earthdistance.sql uninstall_fuzzystrmatch.sql uninstall_hstore.sql uninstall_int_aggregate.sql uninstall_isn.sql uninstall_lo.sql uninstall_ltree.sql uninstall_pageinspect.sql uninstall_pg_buffercache.sql uninstall_pg_freespacemap.sql uninstall_pg_trgm.sql uninstall_pgrowlocks.sql uninstall_pgstattuple.sql uninstall_pgxml.sql uninstall_seg.sql uninstall_sslinfo.sql uninstall_tablefunc.sql ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq