"PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on i386-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC i386-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
(GCC) 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1)"
I am creating a temporary sequence in a function and it seems like it is not
going away after the function finishes.
The front end is in MS Access 2000 and I have a single connection. When I call
the function once it works, when I call it a second time, it gives me an error
that the sequence already exists. When I restart the application, I can call the
function again.
I solved the problem by using: alter sequence seq_linenum restart with 1;
The manual states:
If specified, the sequence object is created only for this session, and is
automatically dropped on session exit. Existing permanent sequences with the
same name are not visible (in this session) while the temporary sequence exists,
unless they are referenced with schema-qualified names.
I thought that a function would be considered its own session, is that incorrect?
Thank you
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