On Jan 16, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Colin Wetherbee wrote:
Rajarshi Guha wrote:
Hi, I am trying to write a PL/pgsql function that will take a CUBE
variable (which will be a 1D point) and a double precision variable.
If the input CUBE is defined as
the function would then return a CUBE value of the form
where R is the second argument.
The problem I'm having is to actually add R to the individual
components of the CUBE variable. I can't cast CUBE to float[] and
I don't see anyway to get at the individual components of the CUBE.
I haven't tested this, but it looks like you can use cube_subset()
to do that.
From [0]:
cube_subset(cube, int[]) returns cube
Further, it looks like you're actually trying to create a function
that will do precisely what cube_enlarge() does.
Indeed! sorry for not giving the docs a thorough a reading
Thanks for the pointer
Rajarshi Guha <rguha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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- RG
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