2008/1/8, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:> Clodoaldo escribió:>> 8.2:>> > Trigger for constraint datas: time=14231.240 calls=880691> > Total runtime: 356862.302 ms> > (12 rows)> >> > Time: 357750.531 ms>> 8.3:>> > Trigger for constraint datas: time=33179.197 calls=877895> > Total runtime: 9546878.520 ms> > (13 rows)>> So what's this constraint and why is it taking longer on the 8.3 server? fahstats=> \d+ usuarios Table "public.usuarios" Column | Type | Modifiers | Description---------+---------+-----------+------------- usuario | integer | not null | data | integer | not null | wus | integer | not null | pontos | real | not null |Indexes: "ndx_usuarios_data" btree (data) CLUSTER "ndx_usuarios_usuario" btree (usuario)Foreign-key constraints: "datas" FOREIGN KEY (data) REFERENCES datas(data_serial) ON UPDATERESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICTHas OIDs: no fahstats=> \d+ datas Table "public.datas" Column | Type |Modifiers | Description-------------+--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+------------- data_serial | integer | not null defaultnextval('datas_data_serial_seq'::regclass) | data | timestamp with time zone | not null | have_data | boolean | not null default true |Indexes: "pk_data" PRIMARY KEY, btree (data) "data_ndx" UNIQUE, btree (data_serial) CLUSTERHas OIDs: no Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend