D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
But if I want to find all the items which are not in any folder, I want: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE folder_id IS NULL; I don't have any folder_id 0, so on a URL I might do this: http://xyz/page.php?fid=123 http://xyz/page.php?fid=0
Why not just have fid undef? thus you can just say:
If folder_id is 0, I do the NULL comparison. SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE folder_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULLIF(?, 0);
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE folder IS NULL; Or have your PHP say... if ($fid == 0) { $fid == "IS NULL" } (my php is extremely rusty but I think you get the idea) And then build out your where clause.
That seems to do what I want. Is it bad design? Something I'm missing about indexing a NULL or something like that?
Sincerely, Joshua D. Drake
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