Sebastián Baioni wrote: >>>>> Every day we run a Windows Programmed pg_dump, it used to >>>>> work fine with PostgreSQL 8.0, but since we installed the new >>>>> version we are not able to make a backup. We tried to make a >>>>> whole database backup and it never ends. We tried to backup >>>>> table by table and it reachs a table of 50,000 rows and it >>>>> keeps for hours in that table, we started it again and >>>>> pg_dump backups that same table in seconds, but it stops in >>>>> another different table. >>>>> If we watch the server message.# we don't have any error, >>>>> it's like some tables were locked and pg_dump would keep >>>>> waiting for the table to be unlocked. >>> >>> We let running pg_dump 8.2.5 at 1:30 AM after an automatic >>> reboot of the PostgreSQL service and it didn't finish. When I >>> came to the office at 9:00 there were a lot of locks, but all >>> of them were from the pg_dump conection. >>> >>> Is there any row in pg_locks that has a "false" in "granted"? >>> That would be a wait for a lock to be released. Is there, now? Try SELECT locktype, relation, pid, mode, granted FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks; >> Does pg_dump consume any processor cycles? Does it, now, while the dump hangs? >> You say "Windows Programmed pg_dump" - what exactly is that? >> Can you use a debugger to see where your program hangs? > > I don't know how it is "Tareas programadas" in english, I > have Windows in spanish, but it's the tool where yuo set a > work to execute in a determinated time. We call a .bat that execute > pg_dump: > "C:\Archivos de programa\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin\pg_dump.exe" -i -h -p 5432 -U MyUser -F c -b -v -f "C:\back\pd_dump\si\si.backup" MyDB That seems fine. Except that the "-i" is bad (I told you to use the same version of pg_dump as the server version). And "-b" is without effect, and "-v" won't do anything for you. But no problem. Maybe you could try "-F p" temporarily so that you can see where the output is stalled. Also, when the dump hangs, what is the result of: SELECT procpid, current_timestamp, query_start, current_query FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity; Yours, Laurenz Albe ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly