Not sure I can help much, I only read out of interest, but thought
clarifying a few things may help.
Hi I had posted this in the slony mailing list but no luck in getting
any answers...Pls help me as I'm stuck with this error for the last 4
Im trying to replicate between postgres version 7.4.18 and version
7.4 is the master?
I configured postgres-7.4 with enable-thread-safety option
I configured slony1 with this command
./configure --prefix=/export/home/josh/slony7.4
This is the 7.4 config? is the 8.1 config the same?
(your not building slony for 8.1 against a 7.4 source tree?)
Are both versions running on the same machine?
What version of Slony? same for both servers?
When i try to execute the this script
On the 7.4 machine?
slonik <<_EOF_ cluster name = slony_example;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDBNAME host=$MASTERHOST
user=$REPLICATIONUSER'; node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME
init cluster ( id=1, comment = 'Master Node');
create set (id=1, origin=1, comment='All pgbench tables'); set add
table (set id=1, origin=1, id=1, fully qualified name =
'public.sample1', comment='accounts table'); store node (id=2,
comment = 'Slave node');
store path (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo='dbname=$MASTERDBNAME
host=$MASTERHOST user=$REPLICATIONUSER'); store path (server = 2,
client = 1, conninfo='dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME host=$SLAVEHOST
I get theis error
<stdin>:21: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/xxid'; - ERROR: could
not load library "/export/home/josh/postgres7.4/lib/": postgres: fatal: relocation error: file
/export/home/josh/postgres7.4/lib/ symbol
GetTopTransactionId: referenced symbol not found
<stdin>:21: Error: the extension for the xxid data type cannot be
loaded in database 'dbname=testdb1 host= user=josh'
<stdin>:21: ERROR: no admin conninfo for node 134701624
The same works fine between postgresql versions 8.1.10 and 8.2.5 .
Why do I get this error when replicating between versions 7.4 and8.1.
Does slony1 replicate between these 2 versions? If so is there any
other settings that needs to be done?
Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz
Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz
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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?