From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gregory Williamson
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:04 PM
To: Joshua D. Drake; rod@xxxxxx
Cc: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Hijack!
-----Original Message-----
pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Joshua D. Drake
Sent: Tue
12/11/2007 9:43 AM
To: rod@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: Hijack!
Hash: SHA1
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:31:40
"Raymond O'Donnell" <rod@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > //
> > Please note in particular the following points of
> >
> > * Don't top-post, as it makes for
confusing reading.
> >
> > * Don't start a new thread by
replying to an old one, because [insert
> > suitable technical
explanation here].
> >
> > Failure to observe the above may
result in your question going
> > unanswered. //
> O.k. this might be a bit snooty but
frankly it is almost 2008. If you
> are still a top poster, you obviously
don't care about the people's
> content that you are replying to, to have
enough wits to not top post.
> However, I would also note that in
"windows" world, it is very common
> to top post. I am constantly
retraining very smart, just very ignorant
> customers.
* Not all
mail clients deal well with inline/bottom quoting (manually added "> " to
lines here since my mail reader does not do so automatically -- imagine doing so
for a complex quote!)
* Top posting is very common in companies with lots
of blackberry (etc) users since they seem to see only tops easily.
* my
mail client *always* starts at the top of the message. For rapid/internal mails
top posting works better because the answer/most recent is always at the top.
Complex messages do deserve in-posting but not always easy, especially if you
have to do it manually). Does your mail browser always start at the bottom ? I
always see the top of a message first. Simple threads work very well this way --
complicated ones collapse under top-posting.
* a lot of us have to use
what ever the company provides as mail server. Exchange sucks but I'd rather not
quit my job just because _you_ have a problem reading mail that does not conform
to the "T" to your expectations. And there is a limit to how much time I want to
spend manually formatting your mail to respond to it. Note that a lot of postGIS
mail list posts are top-posted and the complaint rate is vanishingly small. Yet
somehow business clanks on. Imagine that! And I can't even use exchange/outlook
-- web interface to Micro$soft really sucks.
* Try to see the world from
a perspective other that your own (admittedly superior) one ! Not everyone is so
* Get a life -- how people post is _trivial_. *content* over
*form* ! Beating dead horses is of no interest other than the inherent joy in
the thing. Deal with the fact that an open mail ist will have users from *all*
backgrounds and origins and it you can't make everything a fight. Pick the most
important battles. Top-posting is not the worst sin. (not reading the manuals is
the by the worst transgression, IMHO).
And for those who really care,
email etiquette in painful detail here <>.
Hijacking seems to be more of a Bozo No-No than top posting. Or maybe that's
just me.
Greg Williamson
Senior DBA
GlobeXplorer LLC, a
DigitalGlobe company
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