On Dec 5, 2007 9:19 AM, pc <chavanpriya@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
if you are using psql
postgres=# \o ~/sql.out
postgres=# select * from foo;
the output will be directed to a file, when you need to stop doing it
postgres=# \o
How to redirect the output of an sql command to a file?
Thanks in advance
if you are using psql
postgres=# \o ~/sql.out
postgres=# select * from foo;
the output will be directed to a file, when you need to stop doing it
postgres=# \o
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Usama Munir Dar http://linkedin.com/in/usamadar
Consultant Architect
Cell:+92 321 5020666
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