Its not elegant, and certainly not dynamic or the perfect solution or for anything but a static dataset but I've approached this in SQL before as...
First work out the maximum number of times each value of X will occur in the table - something like " select max(subfoo.ycount) from (select foo.X,count(foo.Y) as ycount from foo group by 1) as subfoo;" might do the job, I haven't tested it though!
Once you have the count (lets say four, for example), you know how many subselects you have to make...
coalesce((':' || (select subfoo.Y from subfoowhere subfoo.X = superfoo.X limit 1)),'') ||
coalesce((':' || (select subfoo.Y from subfoo where subfoo.X = superfoo.X limit 1 offset 1)),'') ||
coalesce((':' || (select subfoo .Y from subfoowhere subfoo .X = superfoo.X limit 1 offset 2)),'') ||
coalesce((':' || (select subfoo.Y from subfoowhere subfoo.X = superfoo.X limit 1 offset 3)),'')
from superfoo;
Indexes would help alot also.
If anyone has any better ideas on how to do this dynamically for an unknown count of Y values (this heads towards a pivot table) I'd love to know!
N.B. if you do coalesce((':' || subfoo .Y),'') and subfoo .Y happens to be null, (':' || subfoo.Y) will also be null as the colon will have been wiped out so you won't have multiple colons sitting around. Which no-one wants.
On Dec 5, 2007 10:47 AM, Ashish Karalkar <ashish_postgre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
am Wed, dem 05.12.2007, um 10:24:04 +0000 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:Thanks Andreas for your replay.
> Hello List member,
> Iha a table containing two columns x and y . for single value of x there are
> multiple values in y e.g
> X Y
> ------------
> 1 ABC
> 2 PQR
> 3 XYZ
> 4 LMN
> 1 LMN
> 2 XYZ
> I want a query that will give me following output
> 3 XYZ
> 4 LMN
> Any help will be really helpful
You need a new aggregate-function. A solution for a similar problem (but
with comma instead :) can you find here:
But i don't have an option two send argument to the store proc nither do i know how many multiple records are there for a single X. I want result for all rows of table.
I dont thnink that function will give desired output.
any suggestions?
With Regards
Andreas Kretschmer
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