On 11/30/07, Magnus Hagander <magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Guillaume Pungeot wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem when a lot of connexions are opened on postgresql.
> When 243 threads have been created by postmaster, the next CreateThread
> fails and the following error is written in pglogs : "FATAL: could not
> create sigchld waiter thread: error code 8".
> I need to open more than 300 connexions on my server.
> Is there anyone to help me ?
> OS : windows 2003 server x64 edition.
This is a known limitation and will be fixed in 8.3. We'll consider
backporting this to 8.2 once it has been proven in the field. So if you
can, please download the latest beta of 8.3 and give that a try.
Would increasing the Desktop shared memory size, as described in another thread , by changing a registry setting would help his case?
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Usama Munir Dar http://linkedin.com/in/usamadar
Consultant Architect
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