Никоноров Григорий wrote:
Thanks for your answer.When i [sic] download this "JDBC4 Postgresql Driver,
Version 8.2-506" driver what should i do next to configure PostgreSQL
with it ?
Place the JAR containing the driver in the classpath for your Java
application. In the Java program be sure to load the org.postgresql.Driver
class and establish the connection to the database via a URL such as
jdbc:postgresql://yourhost:5432/yourdb. (JNDI is another approach which does
these steps via a declarative approach.)
If you had read any of the PG JDBC documentation
you might have found instructions there. Chapters 2 and 3 of the referenced
link (from the very same site from which you got the driver) go into some detail.
<http://java.sun.com/> has some excellent information about JDBC in general.
SunIYF, PGIYF (in this case, jdbc.postgresql.org IYF) and GIYF.
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