I did a migration from 8.2.4 to 8.2.5, I used pg_dumpall to backup all the db and then restore it into 8.2.5. In my 8.2.4 db, I don't have public schema (it was dropped when I create the db, so only myschema is there), but when I restore to 8.2.5, I found that it created a public schema for me. So why it doing this for me? I thought it should restore back excatly the same what I backup from 8.2.4?
Should I just let the public schema there? Will it cause any problem? In the postgres doc http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/ddl-schemas.html (5.7.2) it said if I create a table without specify any schema name, it will put it into public schema, so I test it in my case, but it not doing it, the table is create under myschema, strange. And I check the search_path, it show "$user",public .
Could someone explain it to me?