Keaton Adams wrote:
I’m looking for a way to see how many rows have been processed while a
COPY is actually running. I can’t seem to find a pg_stat table/view
that will give me this level of visibility into the process.
Is there any way to do this, to tell the number of rows processed during
a COPY into a table while the COPY is still running?
I use this little perl function:
sub runscript($)
my $fname = pop;
open(F, $fname) or die;
print "executing $fname\n";
my $sql = <F>;
$db->do($sql) or die 'cant start copy';
my $c = 0;
while (<F>)
if ($c % 10_000 == 0) {
print "$c\r";
if ($stop) { die; }
print "$c total\n";
The first line in the file needs to be the sql copy command, like:
print F "copy junk(id, name, address) from stdin;\n";
The following lines are the data, like:
print F "$id\t$name\t$add\n";
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