Kynn Jones wrote:
So... not really an answer (other than I used a stored proc)
Actually, I'm interested in your solution.
Just to make sure I understood what you did: you bulk-populated (i.e.
with $dbh->do('COPY...'), $dbh->pg_putline(...), $dbh->pg_endcopy) the
referring tables, with their fkey constraints disabled; then you ran
stored procedure(s) that went through these referring tables and
filled in the missing fkeys; and finally you activated their fkey
constraints. Is this right?
I'm very much of a stored procedures dunce, so if the code for your
stored procedure is "postable", please do.
PS: As an aside to the list, as a programmer, when I'm starting out in
language, I learn more than I can say from reading source code written
by the experts, but for some reason I have had a hard time coming
across expertly written PostgreSQL stored procedures, other than the
occasionally didactic snippet in the docs. All these expertly-written
procedures seem to be very STORED away indeed! If, on the contrary,
it's just the case that I haven't looked in the right places, please
hurl me a cluebrick!
I'm afraid it was nothing that super. My scripts where to insert a
bunch of test data into a db so I could play with some very large db's.
I have a people table, and a car table. I wanted to add ownership of
cars to people, but thought nobody should own more than 5 cars (to make
sure my "random" generator didnt bunch too many cars per person)
My perl looks like:
my $carcount = new BerkeleyDB::Btree( -Filename => 'carcount.dbm',
-Flags => DB_CREATE ) or die "Cannot open file: $!";
if (rand() > 0.10) {
my $person = int(rand($maxperson));
my $ok = 1;
$i = 0;
$carcount->db_get($person, $i);
if ($i >= 5)
#shall we allow more than 5 cars?
if (rand() > 0.90) {
$ok = 1;
} else {
$ok = 0;
if ($ok)
... do the insert ...
So I was keeping personid => carcount map. This worked great, as I
said, until I got into the gigbytes size for the BerkeleyDB.
Instead I created a stored proc:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION addowner(xpersonid integer, xcarid integer)
returns void AS $$
cc integer;
select into cc count(*)
from ownership
where personid = xpersonid;
if cc < 5 then
insert into ownership(personid, carid) values (xpersonid, xcarid);
end if;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
... and here is another stored proc I wrote for our website. We have
company shirts n'stuff that employee's can order. So the webpage is
kinda like a shopping cart thing.
create or replace function updatecart(xuserid integer, xgroupid integer,
xprodid integer, xsizeid integer, xcolorid integer, xqty integer)
returns void as $$
xid integer;
select into xid rowid from vcs_ordertable where userid = xuserid and
groupid = xgroupid and prodid = xprodid and sizeid = xsizeid and colorid
= xcolorid;
if not found then
insert into vcs_ordertable(userid, groupid, prodid, sizeid,
colorid, quant) values (xuserid, xgroupid, xprodid, xsizeid, xcolorid,
update vcs_ordertable set quant = quant + xqty where rowid = xid;
end if;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
When you select a shirt (including the size, color, etc) I only wanted
one row per (user, group, productid, size and color), if one already
exists in the table, I just bump its count, if not I insert it.
These two procs are about as complex as I've needed to get.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not