Chris Travers wrote:
Hi all;
I know -hackers is the preferred place to discuss beta releases, but I
suspect that this is a further-reaching wuestion among the general
community than is typical so I am posting it here.
I have been looking at the changes expected for 8.3 and have noticed
that tsearch2 has been modified and merged with core. I think this is a
great idea, but it poses problems for applications which must run both
both on 8.2 and 8.3 with fts capabilities.
I am trying to determine the best way forward so that LedgerSMB can
support 8.3 as soon as it is released. Reading through various email
list archives it looks like the function names have changed. I guess I
am trying to determine the best way forward.
1) How safe is it likely to be to create a set of functions in 8.3
which mimic 8.2/tsearch2 interfaces? Is this likely to create any
serious conflicts? Would such a project be sufficiently useful that a
pg_foundry project might be helpful?
2) If this is a problem, is the community interested in (possibly as a
pg-foundry project) an abstraction layer for supporting both sets of
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
I don't really have answers... but more questions:
How many fts functions do you use? I had two different functions
(to_query and rank I think).
Are you thinking of always using the abstraction layer, or at some
point, dropping it and converting to the new names?
How hard would it be to test for the existence of the function and use
the one you find? (test for the old fts function name and use that if
it exists, else use the new fts function name) Ahh, shoot, that would
assume the arguments are exactly the same though... (they might be,
guess it depends on which functions you're using).
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