Il Friday 26 October 2007 13:56:20 Martijn van Oosterhout ha scritto: > On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 01:10:42PM +0200, Reg Me Please wrote: > > prove=# explain analyze SELECT * from t_dati natural left join t_campi > > where tabe_id='CONTE'; > > QUERY PLAN > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >----------------------------------------------------- Hash Join > > (cost=3.95..382140.91 rows=274709 width=91) (actual > > time=1.929..57713.305 rows=92 loops=1) > > Hash Cond: (t_dati.camp_id = t_campi.camp_id) > > Neither of the columns are indexed according to the schema you sent so > that's the problem. Or you broke something while "translating". > > > (I translated the table and column names. The substance is the same.) > > Try not translating, and we might get somewhere... > > Have a nice day, prove=# \d t_dati Tabella "public.t_dati" Colonna | Tipo | Modificatori ---------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------- elem_id | bigint | not null camp_id | text | not null dato_t | text | not null dato_r | double precision | dato_validita | timestamp with time zone | not null default '-infinity'::timestamp with time zone dato_scadenza | timestamp with time zone | not null default 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone dato_flag | boolean | not null default true dato_data | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() dato_id | bigint | not null default nextval('t_dati_dato_id_seq'::regclass) Indici: "t_dati_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dato_id) "i_dati_0" btree (elem_id) "i_dati_1" btree (camp_id) "i_dati_2" btree (dato_t text_pattern_ops) "i_dati_3" btree (dato_flag, dato_validita, dato_scadenza) "i_dati_4" btree (dato_data) Vincoli di integrità referenziale "t_dati_camp_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (camp_id) REFERENCES t_campi(camp_id) prove=# \d t_campi Tabella "public.t_campi" Colonna | Tipo | Modificatori ---------+------+-------------- tabe_id | text | not null colo_id | text | not null camp_id | text | not null Indici: "t_campi_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (camp_id) "i_t_campi_0" btree (tabe_id) Vincoli di integrità referenziale "t_campi_colo_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (colo_id) REFERENCES t_colonne(colo_id) "t_campi_tabe_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (tabe_id) REFERENCES t_tabelle(tabe_id) They seems to be indexed. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?