Hi, After Erik Jones gave me the idea for this, I started to become lazy to have to type this into the sql everytime I want to see how long a query is taking.. so, I thought that I'll create a function to do just that.. I ended up with.. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION query_time() RETURNS SETOF query_time AS $BODY$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN SELECT procpid, client_addr, now() - query_start as query_time, current_query FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY query_time DESC LOOP RETURN NEXT rec; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; But the issue with the above is that I need to create a type. CREATE TYPE query_time AS (procpid integer, client_addr inet, query_time interval, current_query text); Is there a method which I'm able to return a result set w/o needing to declare/create a new type. I tried to use language 'sql' but it only returned me 1 column, with all the fields concatenated together with comma separating the fields. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly