On 10/19/07, Ralph Smith <smithrn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you Scott!
I'm away from my desk and will dive back into it.
Fortunately I have two machines, each w/ 7.4 & 8.2 on them. New
installs on Ubuntu 7.4.
As to why I had 'no role or database' errors yesterday, am I right
that it was either:
A) I accidentally did a pg_dump when I thought I'd done a
pg_dumpall, or
B) Using the text file output of pg_dumpall behaves differently on
import than the -Fc format?
I'd imported it w/ psql, since it was a text file.
On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:06 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
Most likely the first. Without a pg_dumpall you don't get the
accounts. Note that you can do just a pg_dumpalll -g to get the
"global" data, which includes the accounts.
I'm making progess, but SLOOOOOWLY...
I now have a new db postgres, and now my targed db airburst
I have both 7.4 & 8.2 on this box.
When I:
postgres@smithrn-ltb1:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ psql -U
airburst airburst -p 5433
I get:
psql: FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user "airburst"
REFERRING TO /etc/postgresql/7.4/main
My pg_hba.conf has:
# IPv4-style local connections:
host all all trust # RNS added
My postgresql.conf has:
syslog = 2 # 0 # range 0-2; 0=stdout; 1=both;
client_min_messages = debug1
log_min_messages = debug1
log_min_error_statement = error
YET I'm getting NO logging in either /var/log/syslog nor in /var/log/
Why no logging
and Why unable to connect?
User postgres connects fine.
One more thanks!
Ralph Smith
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster