On 3-Oct-07, at 12:46 PM, Richard Huxton wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
Brian Wipf <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
PG tried to enforce the same LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE. On OS X,
the value of en_US.utf8 didn't exist, so I created a soft link
to en_US.UTF-8 in the /usr/share/locale/ directory. When I sort
the values of product_id_from_source on both systems using the
locales in this manner I get different orderings:
I can happily live with rebuilding indexes if this is the only
problem I can expect to encounter, and I would still prefer PITR
over replication.
The whole notion scares the daylights out of me. If you really need
to use PITR between these two particular platforms, use a locale
with common behavior --- C/POSIX would work.
Could you run Linux in a virtual-machine in OS X?
That's an idea. Performance-wise though, I think we'd be better off
wiping OS X and installing Linux. As an added bonus, we'll be able to
get way better performance out of our Infortrend S16F-R/G1430 Fibre
to SAS RAID box, which isn't getting near the I/O its capable of
under OS X.
Brian Wipf
ClickSpace Interactive Inc.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings