This is PG version 8.2.3.
The select returns:
What other catalogs would be worth looking in to? By the way the
table name here does sort of make sense as to something that may be
missing, this table is created in a schema that is often dropped/re-
The select results in one line (
On Sep 24, 2007, at 10:58 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
David Brain <dbrain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I am getting the error mentioned in the subject ('pg_dump: schema
with OID 1515546 does not exist') when I try to back up one database
out of a cluster of half a dozen or so on our server.
Well, for starters, troll through the system catalogs in that database
to see which object(s) reference that schema OID, eg,
select * from pg_class where relnamespace = 1515546;
and similarly for other catalogs that have a namespace column.
Once you
know where the problem is it'll be easier to figure out what happened
and what to do about it.
What PG version is this?
regards, tom lane
David Brain
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not