I chose to rebuild the entire table as I didn't really have the
necessary time to investigate what went wrong beyond of what I already did.
I have tried various scenarios for reproducing the problem but I failed
in doing that. The fact is that there were a large number of PGAdmin
crashes in the last time, including ones that left Postgres in weird
states (connections hanging or unfinished transactions) and I can't
faithfully state where the problem lays.
The second build of the table was OK. I'll also make sure I'll update to
version 8.2.5 asap.
Thank you for your time.
Razvan C..B.
Gregory Stark <stark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
"Razvan Costea-Barlutiu" <cbrazvan@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
This has way too many ramifications for me to follow so I do appreciate some
What do the outputs of these queries say?
It would also be interesting to know whether REINDEXing the table
succeeds and if so whether the behavior gets any saner.
regards, tom lane
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