I'm using copy to insert a bunch of rows into a new table with a unique
primary key. Copy is correctly incrementing the primary key, but
apparently the sequence itself is never updated because when I go to
insert again I get a constraint violation.
Here's the start of the new table creation:
CREATE TABLE training_programs (
trg_prg_id integer NOT NULL primary key DEFAULT
I then use copy (select about half the columns in the original table) to
and then
copy training_programs from '/tmp/training_programs.txt'
After this I get the following:
wykids=# select max(trg_prg_id) from training_programs;
wykids=# select nextval('training_programs_trg_prg_id_seq');
(1 row)
Since I'm doing this against a copy of a live database in preparation
for running it against the real thing, I never know how many records
will be in training_programs.
I'm trying, then, to do something like this:
alter sequence training_programs_trg_prg_id_seq restart with (select
(max(trg_prg_id) + 1) from training_programs);
but that isn't working.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Jeff Ross
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