Michael Fuhr wrote:
On Sat, Sep 15, 2007 at 04:45:02PM +0500, rihad wrote:
Can someone please explain to me why these two give different results?
The idea is to get the number of seconds past 00:00:00, so the second
one is obviously correct.
They're both correct.
foo=> select extract(epoch from current_time);
(1 row)
current_time is a time with time zone; the above query returns the
number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC.
foo=> select extract(epoch from cast(current_time as time));
(1 row)
By casting current_time to time without time zone you're now getting
the number of seconds since 00:00:00 in your local time zone.
I'm reading this right now:
"time with time zone" is not recommended. I'm still unsure if the
timezone issue is at all important when comparing timestamps
(greater/less/etc), or when adding intervals to preset dates? Like
registration_time + interval '2 months';
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