A. Kretschmer wrote:
am Wed, dem 12.09.2007, um 15:41:44 +0200 mailte A. Kretschmer folgendes:
am Wed, dem 12.09.2007, um 7:32:45 -0600 mailte Dennis Muhlestein folgendes:
I've been passively collecting data for a few months. I realized, after
a while, that I never added a timestamp column to the table the data is
being stored in. I've since added that.
Is there a way to find out when the previous rows were inserted? There
How many records per day? Maybe you can guess the approximate
Thanks for the responses. Actually, I can reconstruct the timestamps
from the access log on the web server that was recording the data. I
was just curious if there was something hidden I didn't know about.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings