Patryk Kordylewski wrote:
Hi Tom,
we are running PostgreSQL 8.2.4.
Tom Lane wrote:
Patryk Kordylewski <pk@xxxxxxxx> writes:
can someone help/explain me why i get this error when i try to make
an update on that view? It seems that something is wrong with the
AFAICT, this works for me, so either you left something important out of
your example or you're looking at an already-fixed bug. What PG version
is that?
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
I made a test-case which is not working for me. Perhaps something wrong
with the SELECT DISTINCT ON () syntax when i specify more then 1 column?
At first this was working when i specified only one column in the SELECT
DISTINCT ON-clause, then i inserted a dummy column "second_distinct" and
put it into the clause and it's not working anymore.
PG Version: 8.2.4
Thanks for help,
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings