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Re: Geographic High-Availability/Replication

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Decibel! wrote:
But is the complete transaction information safely stored on all nodes
before a commit returns?

Good question. It depends very much on the group communication system and the guarantees it provides for message delivery. For certain, the information isn't safely stored on every node before commit confirmation. Let me quickly explain those two points.

Lately, I've read a lot about different Group Communication Systems and how they handle delivery guarantees. Spread offers an 'agreed' and a 'safe' mode, only the later guarantees that all nodes have received the data. It's a rather expensive mode in terms of latency.

In our case, it would be sufficient if at least n nodes would confirm having correctly received the data. That would allow for (n - 1) simultaneously failing nodes, so that there's always at least one correct node which has received the data, even if the sender just failed after sending. This one node can redistribute the data to others which didn't receive the message until all nodes have received it.

No group communication system I know of offers such fine grained levels of delivery guarantees. Additionally, I've figured that it would be nice to have subgroups and multiple orderings within a group. Thus - opposed to my initial intention - I've finally started to write yet another group communication system, providing all of these nice features. Anyway, that's another story.

Regarding durability: given the above assumption, that at most (n - 1) nodes fail, you don't have to care much about recovery, because there's always at least one running node which has all the data. As we know, reality doesn't always care about our assumptions. So, if you want to prevent data loss due to failures of more than (n - 1) nodes, possibly even all nodes, you'd have to do transaction logging, much like WAL, but a cluster-wide one. Having every single node write a transaction log, like WAL, would be rather expensive and complex during recovery, as you'd have to mix and match all node's WALs.

Instead, I think it's better to decouple transaction logging (backup) from ordinary operation. That gives you much more freedom. For example, you could have nodes dedicated to and optimized for logging. But most importantly, you have separated the problem: as long as your permanent storage for transaction logging is living, you can recover your data. No matter what's happening with the rest of the cluster. And the other way around: as long as your cluster is living (i.e. no more than (n - 1) simultaneous failures), you don't really need the transaction log.

So, before committing a transaction, a node has to wait for the delivery of the data through the GCS *and* for the transaction logger(s) to have written the data to permanent storage. Please note, that those two operations can be done simultaneously, i.e. the latency does not summarize, it's rather just the maximum of the two.



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