On Thu, 23 Aug 2007, Dmitry Koterov wrote:
select lexize('ru_ispell_cp1251', 'Дмитриев') -> "Дмитрий"
select lexize('ru_ispell_cp1251', 'Иванов') -> "Иван"
- it is completely wrong!
I have a database with all Russian name, is it possible to use it (how?)
if you have such database why just don't write special dictionary and
put it in front ?
Of course because this is a database of Russian NAMES, but NOT a database of
make lexize() not to convert "Ivanov" to "Ivan" even if the ispell
dicrionary contains an element for "Ivan"? So, this pseudo-code logic is
function new_lexize($string) {
$stem = lexize('ru_ispell_cp1251', $string);
if ($stem in names_database) return $string; else return $stem;
Maybe tsearch2 implements this logic already?
write your own dictionary, which implements any logic you need. In your
case it's just a wrapper around ispell, which will returns original string
not stem. See example
and russian article
sure, it's how text search mapping works.
Could you please detalize?
you create dictionary surnames_dict and configure
pg_ts_cfgmap to process token of type nlword by
surnames_dict, ru_ispell, ru_stem, for example.
Of course I can create all word-forms of all Russian names using ispell and
then - subtract this full list from Ispell dictionary (so I will remove
"Ivan", "Ivanami" etc. from it). But possily tsearch2 has this subtraction
algorythm already.
don't do that ! Just go plain way.
Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (www.astronet.ru),
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@xxxxxxxxxx, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83
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