Hello, All.
We have compiled and installed postgreSQL 7.4.17 version on HP-UX without enabling ssl option. Rather we used most of the default option except lib/data directories and -enableThread safety.
We are getting couple of problems during initdb and psql'ing.
1) $libdir in one of the sql file is NOT being replaced and hence it was NOT able to get the actual libraries. on replaceing $libdir with actual lib dir,it tried to look the lib name without ANY extension. (in hp-ux IPF platforms, we get libraries with the extensions .so). Again we renamed all .so to extension les libraries which ensured initdb goes fine. So how to prevent these things in next build?
2) More importantly, once it is done, we NEVER able to do psql. When we start the postmaster we get the couple of errors (warnings?) related to sockets etc but still goes through . Meaning, we could start the postgres with -i option (with those wanrings we could say,)
But after this , if we try to run any psql commands as a sfmdb user, we get the error saying "no entry found in pg_hba.conf for user sfmdb and database <DBNAME> ,terminal "???" and also it says No SSL etc. when we tried to add the same entry in pg_hba.conf we get the error message saying erraneous entry in pg_hba.conf and it looks like it can't intrepret the "???" present in pg_hba.conf
Now the question is, is it something to do with building postgres without -ssl option? Also can we use older version (7.4.2) config files with 7.4.17. Also what is the impact of NOT server and client both built with other than default port. (we are setting the port number other than default during start up,which essentially does the above. Also the documentation says that it would be better to use the port number only during the build). is it recommended to build again only for this and does it solve the problem.
(we retained default values in postgresql.conf)
Any help would be grately appreciated.
Thanks a lot,