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Re: Persistent connections in PHP

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On Aug 13, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:

On 8/13/07, Naz Gassiep <naz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Does the connection pooling feature of PHP cause the persistent
connections to keep the properties between accesses? E.g., if a user
takes a connection, sets a timezone to it using SET TIMEZONE, will the next user who happens to take this connection get it in that same state, or will it be reset to a blank or starting state as though it had been opened? Also, what about temp tables? Will they be present to the second
user if the first user set some up?
Except for a few special uses, persistent connections in php are more
of a misfeature.  They are NOT pooling, in the standard sense.  Most
of the time they cause more problems than they solve.
I'll agree with Scott on this one.  (Not that I can recall  
specifically ever disagreeing with him before...).  Unless you know  
all of the potential caveats associated with php's persisent postgres  
connections and have a use case that fits them, don't use them.  If  
you need something to pool connections, look at pgpool.
Erik Jones

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