Hi all, I have a table "mytable" to log the validity of data records with start and stop time. To see, which records are still valid, I created a view on all entries with stop=null. The DB-Interaction should be done over the view, so I added rules for INSERT, UPDATE an DELETE. Insert and Update work fine, but the DELETE_RULE stopps after the first UPDATE statement in the Rule-Body, any further statements are ignored!! Multiple Statements are not the Problem (Log=1,2), and the first UPDATE statement works also. (Stop=now()) Is this a known Problem? Am I doing something wrong? Is there any workaround for it? Thanks, Peter PS: Here is the code for testing, mylog should contain 1,2,3,4: DROP VIEW myview; DROP TABLE mytable; DROP TABLE mylog; CREATE TABLE mylog(id int); CREATE TABLE mytable(id serial, proc text, start timestamp(4), stop timestamp(4)); CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT id, proc, start, stop FROM mytable WHERE stop IS null; CREATE RULE sri AS ON INSERT TO myview DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO mytable (proc, start, stop) VALUES (new.proc, now(), null); CREATE RULE srd AS ON DELETE TO myview DO INSTEAD UPDATE mytable SET stop = now() WHERE id = old.id AND stop IS null; CREATE RULE sru AS ON UPDATE TO myview DO INSTEAD ( INSERT INTO mylog (id) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO mylog (id) VALUES (2); UPDATE mytable SET stop = now() WHERE id = old.id AND stop IS null; INSERT INTO mylog (id) VALUES (3); UPDATE mytable SET stop = now() WHERE id = old.id+1 AND stop IS null; INSERT INTO mylog (id) VALUES (4); ); -- Insert some values works fine INSERT INTO myview (proc) VALUES ('alpha'); INSERT INTO myview (proc) VALUES ('omega'); INSERT INTO myview (proc) VALUES ('gamma'); INSERT INTO myview (proc) VALUES ('delta'); -- Both Table and View are identical SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM myview ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM mylog ORDER BY id; -- Delete a row works fine, too DELETE FROM myview WHERE id = 4; -- Row 4 is deleted SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM myview ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM mylog ORDER BY id; -- !! The UPDATE_RULE does not work correct !! UPDATE myview SET proc='beta' WHERE id = 2; -- The Process 2 is updated, but there is no entry in the log SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM myview ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM mylog ORDER BY id; -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly