On 8/4/07, hanasaki <hanasaki@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > clustering failover... ala Oracle Parallel server Note that OPS is now called RAC (see http://orafaq.com/faq/what_is_rac_ops). > How can the server be setup in a cluster for load-balancing and failover > like perhaps OPS? As I understand it, RAC implements a kind of multi-master replication by sharing database files across multiple machines in conjunction with a distributed lock manager. I believe the closest you get to this scheme with PostgreSQL is PGCluster-II (see http://www.pgcon.org/2007/schedule/events/6.en.html), which implements a shared-disk replicaton system. However, I believe the project is still under development. There are other ways to implement load-balancing and failover, using tools such as Slony, pgpool and Skype's londiste. There have been a dozen threads this year on this topic; I suggest you scan the mailing list archives. > How does the Postges solution compare to an Oracle? MSSQL? MySQL solution? Does MySQL have anything resembling RAC? Alexander. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings