Richard Huxton wrote:
son@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello all
I use a crontab job to backup and restore my database every midnight
day (using pg_dump and restore...)
My cron job run well for a while. However, today I discovered that my
database was not restored for one month.
I also fix the problem as there is corruption in the script.
My question is how I can detect whether the backup or restore
processes is
corrupted. I donot want that my backup database is one month old -:(
Well, if the script failed with an error, cron should have sent you an
email (or the user the script runs as, anyway).
To expand on that, have a look at your crontab and ensure that the call
to your script does not end with ">/dev/null 2>&1". That will cause the
script to run silently, regardess of any errors. If you want it to be
silent yet have errors emailed to you, change it to ">/dev/null"
(without the quotes).
If the emails have been sent but this is an account on a remote server
you might want to investigate having the emails for that remote account
sent to your regular email address.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not