On Aug 6, 2007, at 14:44 , Ranieri Mazili wrote:
1) Can I use a function that will return a string in a where clause
like bellow?
select *
from table
where my_function_making_where()
and another_field = 'another_think'
Probably. What have you tried? What does the documentation say? If
you're having trouble with a specific function, please provide the
code and hopefully we can work it out.
2) Can I use a function that will return a string to return the
list of columns that I want to show like below?
select my_function_making_list_of_columns()
from table
where field_test = 'mydatum'
Probably not. What have you tried? What does the documentation say?
A couple of minutes in psql would probably be faster than sending an
email to the list.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net
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