Andrej Ricnik-Bay wrote:
On 8/2/07, Reid Thompson <Reid.Thompson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
If it's a dedicated production server, look at UBUNTU 6.10 server.
If you're planning to connect a monitor and run X-windows ( i.e. I
bought a server, but i'm going to use it as a learning platform for
LINUX in general also), i'd suggest either UBUNTU 6.10 or 7.04 desktop
( or, start with the 6.10 server, and use apt/synaptic/etc to add
whatever additional packages you want )
No offense, but *if* you have to suggest Ubuntu you should be
suggesting 6.06 LTS,
oops, pulled the distro number from memory, 6.06 LTS for server is the
one I meant rather than 6.10
not any of the bleating, errrh, bleeding edge
and quickly fluctuating versions. In a production server environment
people commonly aren't eager to update the whole OS every year. I
certainly wouldn't.
And if you settle for a stable server environment, I, too, would
rather go with the original debian than with ubuntu. Not that
I particularly like either of them :}
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings