Dave Page wrote:
This is for the European users group, so is not really intended as a
technical list but as a place to discuss events, advocacy and other
topics relevant to our work in Europe.
If it's not a general list, why did you name it "general"? That will
certainly cause confusion. It sounds like -eu-advocacy might have
been better.
+1 -eu-advocacy seems to make more sense.
With all due repect JD, you were not at the meeting at which this was
discussed and are presumably unaware that we discussed more than just
Fair enough, at least from my perspective it seems odd to have -general
because we have pgsql-general and the immediate reaction is going to be,
oh I am in EU and have general technical questions.
*shrug* if it has all been worked out, so be it. I just think it will be
Joshua D. Drake
I expect there to be 3 or 4 -eu lists eventually, one of
which may well be -advocacy.
But for now, I was asked to arrange a general mailing list, which I have
Regards, Dave.
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