On 7/30/07,
Cultural Sublimation <cultural_sublimation@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm fairly new with Postgresql, so I am not sure if the performance
problems I'm having are due to poorly constructed queries/indices,
or if I bumped into more fundamental problems requiring a design of
my database structure. That's why I'm requesting your help.
Here's the situation: I have three tables: Users, Stories, and Comments.
Stories have an author (a user), and a comment is associated with a
story and with the user who posted it. The structure of the database
is therefore fairly simple: (there are also some sequences, which I've
omitted for clarity)
user_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL,
user_name text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
story_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL,
story_title text,
story_body text,
story_timestamp timestamptz,
story_author int REFERENCES users (user_id) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (story_id)
comment_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL,
comment_title text,
comment_body text,
comment_timestamp timestamptz,
comment_story int REFERENCES stories (story_id) NOT NULL,
comment_author int REFERENCES users (user_id) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (comment_id)
I've also populated the database with some test data, comprising 1,000
users, 1,000 stories (one per user), and 1,000,000 comments (one comment
per user per story).
Now, the query I wish to optimise is also simple: get me all comments (the
comment_id suffices) and corresponding user *names* for a given story.
If for example the story_id is 100, the query looks like this:
SELECT comments.comment_id, users.user_name
FROM comments, users
WHERE comments.comment_story = 100 AND comments.comment_author = users.user_id ;
The problem is that this query takes a *very* long time. With the said
1,000,000 comments, it needs at least 1100ms on my system. "Explain
analyze" tells me that a sequential scan is being performed on both
users and comments:
Hash Join (cost=28.50..21889.09 rows=988 width=14) (actual
time=3.674..1144.779 rows=1000 loops=1)
Hash Cond: ((comments.comment_author)::integer = (users.user_id)::integer)
-> Seq Scan on comments (cost= 0.00..21847.00 rows=988 width=8) (actual
time=0.185..1136.067 rows=1000 loops=1)
Filter: ((comment_story)::integer = 100)
-> Hash (cost=16.00..16.00 rows=1000 width=14) (actual time=3.425..3.425
rows=1000 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on users (cost=0.00..16.00 rows=1000 width=14) (actual
time=0.068..1.845 rows=1000 loops=1)
Total runtime: 1146.424 ms
On the long run, I guess one possible solution to this problem will be
to partition the comments table into a number of sub-tables, most likely
based on the timestamp attribute (by having current versus historic data).
Nevertheless, I am wondering if there are other more straightforward ways
to optimise this query. Some clever use of indices, perhaps? Or is
the way I am now constructing the select non-optimal? Or do I need
some pixie-magic on the Postgresql settings? Anyway, any suggestions
are welcome! (and thanks in advance)
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