Kaloyan Iliev wrote: > After we migrate one function that previously doesn't make > any problem now starts to throw error. > > I know this is more Perl problem but if someone could help because I > didn't find anyting in the net. > > kaloyan@xxxx$ perl > use CLIB::LDBI; > my $dbh = CLIB::LDBI->connect_transact({ host => "xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx", > name => "xxxxxxxxxxx", > user => "xxxxxxxxxx"}); > > my $sth = $dbh->sql("INSERT ..."); > > SQL CATCH ERROR: System ERROR! <pre><font color=red>[ NOTICE: ... ]</font></pre> What is CLIB::LDBI? Maybe you should look at the code of this module to find the error. I don't think that DBD::Pg would print an error message like this. Yours, Laurenz Albe ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster