Mikko Partio wrote:
Hello all,
I installed the latest version from rpms and everythings ok, except when I
connect to a db with psql and press shift+return the backend crashes with
"Segmentation fault"! I guess the problem is with my installation but I
don't know how to debug. It's not a very disconcerning thing per se, but I
wonder what other surprises might be hiding behind the scenes.
Hmm. Very odd.
test2=> select version();
PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on i686-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
3.2.320030502 (Red Hat Linux
(1 row)
OK. This is RH Enterprise Server, then?
relevant log line:
Jul 19 08:33:36 mihin postgres[24584]: [2-1] LOG: unexpected EOF on client
That's not a backend crash, that's just saying the client disconnected
unexpectedly. That implies a client (psql) crash. Is there a server
log-line saying you have a sig-11 crash?
What's puzzling me is why shift+return is different from just plain
return (which presumably works). I'd suspect readline or similar. Try
something like "rpm -q --requires postgresql-client" (you'll need to
check the details, haven't used rpm much recently) to see what packages
psql is depending on. Then just check they look OK for your installation.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd