On Jul 1, 3:09 pm, d...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ("D. Dante Lorenso") wrote: > I want to select several rows of data and have them returned in a single > record with the rows joined by a delimiter. It would be great if this > could be done in a generic way possibly using the GROUP BY like this: I recently wrote this to address the same need. I practically copied it straight from the "CREATE AGGREGATE" documentation, so look there for more information. It will create a "text_accumulate" aggregate function that does what you need: CREATE FUNCTION text_append(text,text) RETURNS text AS 'select $1 || '','' || $2;' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT; CREATE AGGREGATE text_accumulate( BASETYPE = text, SFUNC = text_append, STYPE = text ); Geoff