Title: Windows Vista not working
I’m new to postgreSQL. I’m running Windows Vista Home Premium. I tried installing it (I had to turn off UAC), enabling user ‘postgres’ for running it as a Service. But I’m encountering some really bizarre problems...
First, every time I try ‘psql’ or ‘createdb’ in the command line, it says the password does not match user ‘richard’. I suppose this is because I’m logged in to Windows as ‘richard’. ‘richard’ is my Windows account (administrator) under which I installed postgreSQL.
BUT, I cannot login as ‘postgres’ because even though the installation created this user, it is not visible in the User Accounts of Control Panel! If I log off from ‘richard’, there is no way to login as ‘postgres’.
AND, I know the ‘postgres’ account is there somewhere because if I try to create it, it says the account already exists! So it exists but it’s not visible?! PostgreSQL installation has REALLY, REALLY screwed things up!
Does anyone know what the hell is going on??? Hasn’t anyone used postgreSQL under Vista?