On Jul 5, 2007, at 20:59 , Tom Lane wrote:
Michael Glaesemann <grzm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I think display depends on whether or not you configured Postgres
with or without --enable-nls.
No, to_char understands numeric locales regardless of enable-nls.
There is no provision for locale-dependent output from a plain
numeric column; you must use to_char.
The to_char results I could see from my tests. I was thinking that
perhaps if NLS was enabled, numeric results in, for example, psql
would be displayed even without using to_char. However, I can't seem
to coax the server to give me results in that way. Perhaps I'm just
doing it wrong.
postgres=# \d lc_examples_view
View "public.lc_examples_view"
Column | Type | Modifiers
a_money | money |
a_numeric | numeric |
a_numeric_as_text | text |
View definition:
SELECT lc_examples.a_money, lc_examples.a_numeric, to_char
(lc_examples.a_numeric, '999D99S'::text) AS a_numeric_as_text
FROM lc_examples;
postgres=# select * from lc_examples_view ;
a_money | a_numeric | a_numeric_as_text
$1.23 | 1.23 | 1.23+
(1 row)
postgres=# set lc_numeric to 'es_ES'; set lc_monetary to 'es_ES';
postgres=# select * from lc_examples_view ;
a_money | a_numeric | a_numeric_as_text
Eu1,23 | 1.23 | 1,23+
(1 row)
Just to clarify, I was thinking that perhaps the a_numeric column
would show a result of 1,23 since lc_numeric was set to es_ES. After
testing with --enable-nls, I see that's not the case.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net