I need a design tool to design my database. Back in past I used DBDesigner (free) but it is best suited to MySQL and i now use PostGreSQL and SQLite. The tool should have most of the following: Ability to create a rather complex and arbitrarily big scheme and produce automatically the SQL code for PostGreSQL and for SQLite. Some degree of automation with "logical to physical" procedures (automake entity for n:n relationship, foreign key automatically added and other time saving stuff). Ability to produce documentation in XML/HTML using the schema and designer's comments on tables and properties (best would be an html documentation or an xml schema easily convertible in an html documentation with some other tool i don't know). A few tools of pure graphical purpose (colored boxes/panels, labels) and an easy way to arrange tables, show or hide additional information, organize relationship (move his names, eventually hide them), and the ability to export the whole thing as an image. "Free" or "not so costly" license. If i use postgresql is also to save money, as you might expect. A one hundred dollars software might be my solution, a one thousand dollars is probably not. Ability to generate CRUD stored procedure automatically may be appreciated, but i belienve it's more than i need.