Michael Fuhr <mike@xxxxxxxx> writes: > One of the servers I use (RHEL AS 4; Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp x86_64) > appears to be in the same state after a reboot as the server in the > "Restart after poweroutage" thread from a few months ago: > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2007-03/msg00738.php Interesting indeed. Lapham's report was on FC6 which uses a kernel vastly newer than RHEL4 (2.6.20) but his was also x86_64, which might be relevant. I recall trying a little bit to reproduce the problem after updating my own x86_64 box to FC6, but without success. > Has anybody figured out if this is a Linux kernel bug? I might > have until Monday morning if anybody can suggest something to look > at; after that the admins will probably reboot and/or remove > postmaster.pid to get the database running again. Is it possible/reasonable/practical to (a) hold off longer than that and (b) get me access to the box? On Monday I'd have a chance to involve some Red Hat kernel folk in looking at it. regards, tom lane